Download Old Version of the FaceApp MOD APK
It is always recommended to use the latest version of the FaceApp MOD APK to enjoy latest pro features but Sometime people may face some problems with with latest version of the Modded apps. If you are having any issues with the latest version of the FaceApp MOD APK, then it is recommended that you should try older version of the FaceApp MOD APK.

FaceApp MOD APK V 12.5.0 Latest Version
28 December 2024
64 MB
Common Problems & Solutions
OS Compatibility:
Some devices may have older version of operating system and New version of the app may not be compatible with that device.
Unavailability of a Favorite Tool
Sometime developers remove some tools or functions which one may find very useful.
Interface Preferences
Some users are used to a certain interfaces of the mobile applications, so the change of the User-Interface may not look good to them.
Older Versions of The FaceApp MOD APK

FaceApp MOD APK V 12.2.4

FaceApp MOD APK V 12.2.3

FaceApp MOD APK V 11.9.1